Digital Organism Transfer Protocol (DOTP)
Distributed running of Physis requires data exchange about digital organisms between nodes. The communication is carried out via a very simple text-based protocoll. This protocol should be efficient, language- and platform-independent, and to some extent readable for humans.
  • Efficiency: This point doesn't need comments. A research tool like Physis won't ever be fast enough.
  • Language-independency: It's is still an open question that should we port Physis to another language. C++ or Objective-C for example. In order to preserve the possibility the protocol shouldn't use language-specific features like Java object-serialization. Plain ASCII text seems to be a right choice. And an other significant gain: several different nodes can work together (e.g. a machine running native code generated from C++ source is able to connect to another with a Java VM).
  • Readability: Since it's a scientific research tool the system should be observable on every level even this low-level communication has to be followable by human beings.
The protocol should provide the same functionality as the DigitalOrganism interface thus it enables communication in two ways. There are basically requests followed by responses. There is only one server and one client. The client sends a request and waits for the answer.  


Requests correspond to method calling. A valid request begins with a name indicating a methodname.This is always followed by a number, the index of a digital organism.  The parameters are optional and separated by a + sign. The whole request is closed by a . sign. General rule that all lines contains only one atomic piece of data. Arrays should be decomposed to its elements. When sending arrays as parameter the first number is the length of the array. The type of the parameters doesn't need to be encoded because the client knows what it gets as an answer.



which means recalculating the bonus_multiplier for the 13th organism, or


which vivifies the 4th organism with the encoded codetape and inherited length.


Responses equal returning data after a method call. They don't need any identifier and index. The separator and terminator are used the same way.

Example - returning the fitness:


Helsinki August 3, 2000